Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ellie Belle, you're killin' me

You have been the best baby up until a week or so ago. Recently you won't go to bed until somewhere between 1:00-2:00am. Britlyn & Makenna go to bed around 9:00 and Jeremy goes around 11:00, so then I am up with you for a couple more hours. I've tried putting you down at 9:00 with the other girls, but after an hour or so of screaming - screaming so hard your hair curls up because you're all wet and sweaty - I finally have to get you so Jeremy can get to sleep for work. I finally get you asleep and then I get to bed around 2:00am, only to wake up at 7:00am to help get Jeremy off to work. I was getting up at 6:30am to go running, but since all this happened, running hasn't been much of a priority... I'm just too tired! Please baby, I need you to get back on your regular schedule! Only positive thing to this is I don't have anything else to do, so I get to blog, read other blogs, or mess around in Photoshop. That is a big positive. Notice the time... there's no way I'd be up doing this if it weren't for you little Els.

I can't decide which I like better on these - the color or b&w
Also, why is it that when I upload my photos they don't look as bright or vibrant as they do when I ps them?


Anonymous said...

And hopefully you are tucked in by now for the night... I on the other hand am still up and it's now 3:02am. Yikes! I live in Orange County so we are on the same time. Got to get to bed. But I'm up on my own accord - I've always been a night owl. My 6 month old sleeps like a log at night, but your situation is making me nervous! :) Such cute pics of your daughter though. All your girls are so beautiful.

(deb lee at 2peas)

Megan said...

I feel for second child did the same exact thing..but in time, this will pass...

Love the shots..I am drawn to the b/w in the first one and color in the second...I like her pink pants popping off the bed...About the colors..I always think the same thing..they always seem somewhat muted and softer at 2peas or on my blog...maybe it has something to do with them being re-sized??

Anonymous said...

I love the color ones better ...
I hope she gets back to her normal schedule soon - you must be drained??
I love your photos - and the lollipop photos are awsome!!

swampbaby said...

Ah, the joys. My first was not a sleeper, so I feel for you. She's probably hit a developmental spurt so she's all nosey about everything and once her brain finally calms down she'll be back to a normal routine. If that makes sense?

I love all your pictures - they make me want to get into photography. I think I like the color ones best on these. She's such a doll!