Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Love, My Challenge

Don't get me wrong, I love this kid soooo much. She just really challenges me. I guess it's a sort of self improvement test for me. She has just this great firecracker personality that I adore.... most of the time. Along with all the wit, engergy, and sweetness she possesses, there is also a lot of defiance, stubbornness, disobediance, and disrespect. If it's something she doesn't want to do, she just won't do it - well, that is until the punishment gets bad enough, but even then she'll say things like, "Fine, but you can't watch me," or "I did it mean," or "Don't say thank you when I'm done." I have to really watch myself with her because I don't want to let her learn that behavior is okay, but I also don't want to have power struggles with her all the time. I want her to love being a kid and growing up, not remember getting in trouble all the time. She really is so sweet too though, and so beautiful, but sometimes I just want to lock her in the bathroom all day long. I know that I can't change her, so I have to change and improve myself. I have to really look at what is important and make sure my emotions are always in check. I want her to know what a great kid she really is... I am just hoping some of the negatives in her personality are kind of a phase and can be molded into something more positive. And if not, I pray for more patience!!


swampbaby said...

Oh Noel, I HEAR YOU!!!! My 5 year old challenges me all day, every day. He has so many strengths, but I swear I want to throw him out the window at least 3 times a day. I don't have any advice, just to say "hang in there!"

the herd said...

It's so funny you called her a firecracker because that is that extact term we use for Naomi! Full of self-confidence but OH BOY! I figure if I can somehow steer her in the right direction, then there would be no way anyone could convince her to go off.

Megan said...

I have the same relationship wiht my 11 years old..through the years..times have been tough, but..I adore her...and wouldn't change anything about her. She is strong willed, full of confidence..and fights for what she wants..all attributes that will take her far in life...even if it puts a few gray hairs on mama..hang in there..and know, you're not alone!

Heidi said...

I pray for patience with my kids everyday. I hope things improve for you. Love you.

Briawna said...

she looks just like you, so it would follow that she'd be a spitfire, like her mommy! I can relate but my little girl is only 18 months. She acts more like a teenager most days and seems to think she's one. I think the Lord gave us cute children so that we wouldn't leave them at the grocery store on purpose!