So I have to toot my own horn here for a minute. Last weekend I ran a half marathon in San Diego. I haven't been training for it, but I do run 3 days a week with a couple girlfriends. One of them runs marathons and half marathons all the time, so she convinced us to do this one with her. I wasn't real worried about it because the weekend before we did an 11 mile run and it was no problem. Well I was in for a little surprise. :) I, of course, wanted to see how fast I could do it, so I ran at a faster pace than we ever do. At mile 10.5 I wanted to quit so bad! I was so done mentally. I did slow a little, but by mile 11 I got a bit of a second wind and picked up my pace again. I was so happy to see that finish line, wow was I happy. I finished the 13.1 miles in 1 hour 46 minutes and 55 seconds. This is my official time from the web site.
San Diego CA
Silver Strand Half Marathon
Bib: 239
Name: Noel Warburton
Gender: F
Age: 30
Place Overall: 309 out of 1731
Women: 66 out of 888
F 30-34: 16 out of 142
AgeGrade: 61.15%
Place: 272
FINISH: 1:46:55
pace: 8:10
Chip Time: 1:46:55
I have to say I was pretty proud of myself. I have NO idea how people double that distance and do marathons. AHHHH Maybe someday if I actually train for it.
Hey! Welcome back. And congrats on the 1/2 marathon!
yahooo...you are back and with such amazing news...congrads to you . You must be so very proud of yourself. I think l would only make down my street and back.
I was so surprised to see a post..yay! Congrats on the race..that's awesome!
I have missed you posting! Glad you are back doing it and seriously girl you are amazing! toot your horn all you want that is wonderful!
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