Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I'm Baaaack

Wow, I've been gone from here forever it seems!! We moved into our new home 2 1/2 weeks ago and things are finally starting to settle down. I've got all the boxes unpacked and everything put in its place, now I've just got the whole hanging pictures & stuff to go. I was without internet access for over 2 weeks and I about went crazy! That's probably why I got the unpacking done so fast though! :) We are thoroughly enjoying our home! Jeremy has been giving Britlyn swimming lessons and she can now jump in the deep end of the pool and swim all the way to the shallow end by herself!! This is coming from a girl who would barely dare put her face in the water before. She's so proud of her self and it's so cool. It's so nice having a front yard where the girls can play too & I don't have to be out there with them all the time. One really great thing since we moved here is it took about 10 days to get satellite set up, so we didn't have tv for that time and the girls totally got out of the habit of watching it, so they rarely ever even watch tv now. I love it, they just play, really play, and it's great! I'm sorry to those of you who read my blog that I was gone for so long! The past while has been nuts! I'm going to be better now though, I promise!! Here's a few pics of the girls playing in the front yard.


Anonymous said...

Hey Noel! Somehow I've lost your email address and I left a message on your cell phone, but then I found out maybe your cell phone is not working, so I just wanted to let you know about something. Brooks & I will be in San Diego at the paradise point resort from Sept 26-30th. You can look it up at Anyways, I just wanted you to know that if you guys wanted to come down for a visit for an afternoon or something, we'd love to see you. We won't have a car, or else we'd probably go to LA. Let me know if you think you might try to make it!Hope everything is going well.Talk to you later. Mindy

Tracey Kendall said... are back and glad to see that you are unpack and all comfy in your new home. Can't wait to see more and hear more from ya.

Best wishes,