Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust

He's had it 2 1/2 months. He's loved it. He's taken great care of it. Well, Monday morning Jeremy called me about 9:30 am and let me know he'd been in a car accident and he crashed his brand new Porsche. Luckily no one was hurt, just the cars. He was turning left out of his office parking lot and there was a big truck blocking both lanes of oncoming traffic, so he thought it was clear. He got through the first lane of oncoming traffic, but into the second lane of traffic the front drivers side just got slammed into. It was more the front, not so much where the door is, thank goodness. It was also a Toyota Prius that hit him, a small light car. If it would've been a big SUV or dump truck or something like that, I hate to think of how different the phone call would've been. I had just dropped Britlyn off at preschool, so I took Makenna and Ellie and we picked him up. He did hit the top of his head pretty good, he had a bit of a goose egg. The side airbags went off and everything. I convinced him to go to the doctor because you just never know, so they took an x-ray of his neck and looked him over, but he seems to be fine. If he'd had the top down, he probably wouldn't have hit his head, he's just so tall in that little car. Now he's totally paranoid about his car in L.A. traffic. It's not drivable right now. Our insurance just called us today and let us know it is fixable, so he's got a little Kia rental for the time being. We know a lot of things went in his favor, and we are so blessed. I'm so grateful he was being watched over that day. I love you baby, and I'm sorry about your car. :(


Megan said...

Man..that stinks..but like you said, it could have been so much worse. So glad everything turned out alright.

Anonymous said...

hi noel! ameateur photographer here (wanna be professional... well technically i am, just kinda feel like a fraud because i don't really know what i'm doing). anyway, looking to buy a new SLR and wanted some advice if you had a moment.

First of all, what camera and lens do you typically shoot with?

I'm looking at two options:
1. Canon 30D with the Canon 24-70mm 2.8
2. Nikon D200 with the Sigma 24-70mm 2.8

Any advice for me? I do child/family photography and shoot indoor and outdoors pretty evenly. What would you recommend?

Thank you sooo much for your time! I'm a girl mom too! How fun! Except i just have one so far.... but loving it... and no, you don't look 40!

Noel said...

Hi Christine! Well, I have only had one offical paid shoot, so I don't really know if I am a professional, but I'm thinking about it too. :) I have the Canon DRebel XT and I got the 24-70mm 2.8 awhile ago... I absolutely LOVE it! I also have the 85mm 1.8, 30mm 1.4, and a 50mm 1.8, but I never use these anymore. I really want to get the 5D camera soon, so I don't know much about the 30D, but I know some photographers that have it and do VERY well with it. I would for sure recommend the 24-70mm 2.8 though. It has good focal range for child/family stuff and is very sharp.

Girls are fun, huh! Thanks, I don't want to look 40 yet!! Good luck, I've never shot with Nikons, so I can't give any advice there.