Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Now you see me, now you don't!

Tuesday night we put the girls to bed around 8:30pm and then stayed up until about 11:30pm booking our trip to Greece. :) Before I go to bed, I always go in the girls room and check on them... pick them up off the floor and put them back in bed, put blankets back on them, just make sure everything is okay. Well, I went in and I didn't see Makenna. Now it's not too uncommon for her to go into their bathroom or closet and play if she's not tired, so I went in those places to find her. What did I find... no Makenna. So I went and checked her bed again, not there. I looked in Britlyn's bed so see if she'd crawled in with her, again no Makenna. I checked Ellie's crib, no Makenna. I thought maybe I was loosing it and just wasn't seeing her in her bed (she has about 100 stuffed animals and 10 baby blankets in there). I picked up all the animals, blankets, & pillows... still not there. I went into me and Jeremy's room and looked in a closet she likes to hide in. Nothing. I went back to her bathroom and checked the bath. Nothing. I looked all over their walk-in closet for her. Nothing. I started to worry a bit by this time. Then the thought hit me, "Go look under your bed." I went into my room and this is what I saw:

She had completely made a bed for herself under our bed. She had her blanket, pillow, two stuffed animals, and her sippy cup. What a nut! I just started laughing when I saw her. Much relived also. I called Jeremy to come upstairs so her could see her, then I got her out and tucked her back nicely into her own bed, glad I could now see her in there.


Megan said... funny! Kids do the silliest stuff. Great story.

Amanda said...

How Cute is that! I was starting to worry too... Glad there was a happy ending! :)

Tracey Kendall said...

to cute, to funny. What a great memory