Thursday, May 24, 2007

Off for the Weekend!

Jeremy's brother, Zach, is getting married on Friday, so we are leaving tomorrow (well, technically now it's today) for Utah. Zach and Melissa asked me to be their wedding photographer. I am so excited! It's always fun to have opportunities to shoot people that want to be shot! Lots of pressure too though, it's not like you can just schedule a re-shoot if you mess up the shots!! You only get one chance to get it right. So, look forward to lots of wedding pics! I coudn't leave without posting any pictures, so here's a couple of Makenna. I realized the other day that I don't have many shots, other than snapshots, of her since like October. How did that happen?? Anyway, here's one of my gorgeous little girls!

You know, she has the most infectious beautiful smile, but I am having the hardest time capturing it lately. Whenever I have the camera out, she absolutely refuses to look at me. I'll be talking and joking with her and she will smile and laugh, but all I see is the top or back of her head. She just will not look at me when I have the camera. Anyone have any ideas on how to break through this?!


Debbie said...

Beautiful shots of your little girl... I wish I had some advice for you, but I have the same issues with my daughter - she refuses to look at me and when she does, she's posing funny or just not being herself. Not even bribing her with candy really does the trick. I've gotten some good ones lately, but I'd say it was pure luck.

Best wishes for safe travels and a good time with family this weekend. I know you'll do a great job with the wedding. Can't wait to see what you come back with!

Tracey Kendall said...

i have no ideas about the smiles...but can l just say how beautiful she is....stunning. You are so blessed with such pretty little girls.

Ren said...

Icecream - money - tv time...

LoL - yes, I bribe my children when needed :D

Good luck with the wedding... can't wait to see the pics :)

Amanda said...

She's so gorgeous! All of your girls are!
Can't wait to see what you bring back from Utah!