Where did it all go?
Britlyn starts kindergarten in five days. Wow, five days.
I don't know if I am ready to "lose" her to the world.
I know that we will still have a huge influence on her,
but... she'll definately be influenced by others too.
She is just so so sweet and kindhearted; I don't want her
to lose any of that, or for others to take advantage of it.
Lately she's been real clingy. She really wants me to hold her
and rock her a lot. She tells me she doesn't want to grow up.
I remember doing that as a kid too. She's nervous to start kindergarten.
Well, that is until I bought her a bunch of new school clothes,
now she's excited. True girl!!
I wonder if I've stopped enough times to just play, listen, teach, read, comfort, enjoy. With all three so young, I always seem to be busy with at least one of them. Keeping up with it all is a challenge, but it's a challenge that I love. My girls are just the highlight of my life. They make me laugh, cry, sing, dance, lose my mind, and fill my heart. We really do have it good. I am so blessed with my family. I just want to bottle them up and keep them young forever. With Britlyn starting kindergarten it is the begining of a whole new phase in our lives. It's exciting, but I also like how it's been and don't really want things to change. I hope I can always keep the relationship I have with my girls open and safe. I never want them to even second guess telling me something. I'm their mommy and I'll love them unconditionally no matter what.
No pictures this time, I just wanted to let my feelings out. Thanks for listening.